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  • BrainwreckedTech 11:57 pm on May 1, 2010 Permalink | Reply
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    FIXIT: Windows Clients Can’t Follow Symlinks On A Samba Server 

    Linux Logo

    Oh, Samba, how I love thee. And by love I mean wanting to strangle the ever living turds out of you. From the bottom of my heart, of course.

    Didn’t we just tango not to long ago? Why yes, I believe we did.

    The brain-wrecking this time comes from new defaults in the samba server package. Add these lines to [global] to get things working again.

    follow symlinks = yes
    wide links = yes
    unix extensions = no

    While we’re at it, have some credits.

    • G-man 8:53 am on May 2, 2010 Permalink | Reply

      Thank you!! I updated about 2 months worth of updates to SuSE 11.1 using “zypper update” and samba was part of that, upgrading samba to: 3.2.7-11.5.1

      At first I thought my Samba shares were completed broken until it dawned on me that it was only the symlinked directories I couldn’t access.

      Thanks for the help, I got here with the google search “samba can’t follow symlinnks after upgrade”.


    • Anonymous 6:23 pm on October 10, 2010 Permalink | Reply

      THANKS! My stupid symlinks had stopped working and this fixed it right out.

    • Xyon 4:29 pm on June 3, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      Thanks so much! Such a frustration that was!

    • goldie 7:08 am on November 26, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      And it’s all broken in (L)Ubuntu 11.04, again… and those lines didn’t fix it :/
      Linux is a FAILure. We’ll actually, I think the failure of linux after 20+ years of active development by SO MANY people tells us something about humans and what we really are. Creating quality is not part of human nature. We are like virus, we operate in quantities, just consuming and spreading. We are wasteful and if seldom we create something excellent it’s random luck and exception to rule. 10 years ago I thought “just 1-2 years and Linux is going to explode, it’s going to be everywhere!” well… instead of creating stable and solid OS, linux is still a tinkerbox, a tool if You have too much free time and wan’t to keep Your brain occupied. And it WILL stay that way forever.

      • BrainwreckedTech 5:30 am on December 13, 2011 Permalink | Reply

        I’ll give you a clue. It’s going to be a dick-ish clue, but it’s not like I haven’t learned it myself from personal experience, and it helps save some face before going on some unnecessary misplaced rant. If no one else is having the same problem (e.g., a good Googling yields nothing) then the odds turn to YOUR END as the problem and away from the software in question.

        I’m not using Ubuntu anymore, but I am using Arch. Arch keeps up with the bleeding edge, and both Ubuntu 11.04 and 11.10 are still within their life cycles. I’m not having any problems getting XP in a VM to browse symlinked directories on my Arch file server with Samba. No one is complaining about Samba breakage in the Ubuntu forums since 10.04. Therefore, either you haven’t set up Samba correctly or you have a serious hardware issue.

        I had an entire OS (on a USB stick) get borked by a faulty USB wireless adapter which would manage to throw the kernel into a panic. After enough kernel panics, programs seemed to start just fine, permissions were fine, and fsck cleared the partition, but syslog-ng, NFS, and Transmission (and most likely more) were indeed not working. A corrupted partition doesn’t necessarily mean zero access to said partition.

        Try installing Ubuntu onto a(nother) bootable USB stick. This gives you the chance to see if a fresh install helps things without having to blow out the set up you have now. And if that doesn’t work, you can always try Arch. But at the very least save the childish tirades for some place else.

      • Gryd3 2:33 pm on July 7, 2012 Permalink | Reply

        Maybe you should step back and look at where Linux really is…
        Your android phone … Linux
        Point of sale terminals (some) … Linux
        Various web services (corporate, and personal) … Linux
        Various Routers … Linux
        Various Digital Video Recorders … Linux
        I am successfully running Ubuntu with Samba, and it works just fine.
        Linux is a very powerful tool. There is a reason companies and individuals develop systems based on Linux/Unix.

        [Editor’s note: Rest of the comment deleted due to some non-constructive user-bashing.]

  • BrainwreckedTech 6:16 pm on November 29, 2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: FIXIT, , , , , , symlinks   

    FIXIT: Linux Client Can’t Follow Symlinks on a Samba Server 

    Linux Log


    Normally, under Windows, symbolic links on a Samba server appear as regular folders. And until recently, they appeared that way when using the Samba client on Linux machines too. A recent change in Samba has the client try to interpret the actual link, which may or may not exist on the client machine.

    (More …)

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